Rgb gay flag colors

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The Rubber Pride/Latex Pride flag features a black field with a wide, gold zig-zag stripe, outlined in red, about one-third of the way from the top of the flag, with another thin red stripe following a parallel path roughly one-quarter the width further below. This flag was brought to my attention through an E-mail I received from Scott Beach on 19 June 2020, pointing out that there is a Rubber/Latex Pride flag for sale on several flag-selling websites. Latex or rubber fetishists sometimes refer to themselves as 'rubberists.' Gay male rubberists tend to call themselves 'rubbermen.'' PVC is sometimes confused with the similarly shiny patent leather, which is also a fetish material. PVC fetishism is closely related to rubber fetishism, with the former referring to shiny clothes made of the synthetic plastic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and the latter referring to clothes made of rubber, which is generally thicker, less shiny, and more matte than latex. Image by Tomislav Todorović, 21 June 2020Īccording to Wikipedia, 'Rubber fetishism, or latex fetishism, is the fetishistic attraction to people wearing latex clothing or, in certain cases, to the garments themselves. Keywords: sexual orientation | rubber | latex | pride | zig-zag | This page is part of © FOTW Flags Of The World website Rubber/Latex Pride flag

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